How To Dry Brush: The Method

Here’s How to Dry Brush the Skin:

  1. Starting at the feet, I brush the bottoms of my feet and up my legs in long, smooth strokes. I typically brush each section of skin 10 times. For lymph flow, I always brush toward the heart/chest area where the lymph system drains.
  2. As a good rule of thumb, always brush toward the center of the body.
  3. Repeat the same process with the arms, starting with the palms of the hands and brushing up the arm toward the heart. Again, I brush each section of skin 10 times.
  4. On the stomach and armpits, brush in a circular clockwise motion.
  5. I then repeat the process on my abdomen and back, and then switch to my face with the more delicate brush.


Note: Don’t brush too hard! A soft and smooth stroke often works best. My skin is slightly pink after brushing, but it should never be red or sting. If it hurts at all, use less pressure!


Replace the brush every 6-12 months as the bristles will eventually wear out. I also recommend washing the brush every few weeks to remove dead skin cells.